Sunday 7 September 2008

A Special Gift to Celebrate Google's 10th Birthday

Google celebrates its 10th birthday today. Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google Inc. on 07 September 1998 with just four computers.

Initially the company operated out of a dormitory. Page's room housed the three computers that ran the search engine while Brin's room, in a neighbouring dormitory, was the company' headquarters. In the beginning Google process 10,000 requests per day,compared to about 1.5 billion per day now. What's more from an investment of just $100,000 the company is now worth about $150-billion and its founders worth about $19-billion a piece.

So I thought it would be fitting to share a special gift with you from New York Times best selling author and Google Adsense expert Joel Comm who has recently launched his latest book:

"Click HERE to Order: Stories of the world's most successful Internet Marketers"

This book is already speeding its way to becoming a major best seller. It is receiving rave reviews and international publishers are already clamouring for foreign rights.

"Joel Comm has done a phenomenal job at telling the story of how ordinary people turned themselves into extraordinary underground internet millionaires with great work ethic and awesome ideas. These very inspirational tales will be motivational to all who want to stay home and work in their pyjamas. My attention span is minimal at best and I could not put this book down."
Joel Therien,

Joel has put together a special Click Here to Order Bonus Pack for those who have ordered the book.

The pack includes an instant download of:

~ The first two chapters of the book (so you can start reading right away! If you're anything like me you get impatient waiting for the book you ordered to arrive.)

~The missing chapter (not included in the book!)

~ Seven audio interviews with legendary Internet marketers!

~ The Power Notes containing valuable lessons extracted from the book!

To access this all this Gift Pack valued at $297 for just $1 you simply enter your order ID, name and email on the main page for this book - click the URL below:

Click HERE to Order

But wait! You can get this bonus pack without actually buying the book itself. Don't worry, this is all legit. Joel is so confident that you'll want to purchase the book once you've read and listened to all the bonus material that he is willing to let you try before you buy!

To get secret access to the bonus material, take a note of the special code below and enter it in the field requesting your order ID:


You'll be inspired by the stories of these Internet Marketers who are breaking new ground, leading the way in their respective niches and making millions of dollars in the process. It's the contribution of these individuals that has had a significant impact on the growth of Internet marketing, the use of the Internet and indirectly the success of companies like Google.

So go grab your special gift now!

Click HERE to Access Bonus Gift

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