Thursday, 31 December 2009

A New Year's Message - Rejoice, Reflect, Renew

"Rejoice, Reflect, Renew" was the theme of this year's White House Christmas and is an apt theme upon which to focus on as we approach the New Year.

Rejoicing is all about expressing your gratitude. Above all, you can be grateful that you are still here for no matter what the past year has held for you, 2010 presents another opportunity for you to create a better life for yourself and for others. And this holds true whether you had what can be described as a fabulous year or not because there is no standing still.

Even if you love the way your life is right now, if you don't continue to work at it, things will decline. Also, as good as things are, you can expect some hiccups along the way - that's just the way life is. And so you can't rest on your laurels if you want to ensure that any obstacles that come your way remain minor hiccups.

So rejoice if 2009 was all that you wished it could be and rejoice even if it felt like the year from hell because you get to make a fresh start in the New Year. Or as one of my mentors, Stephen Pierce said:

"Start again in 2010."

Let's face it, if you're still here it means that your work is not yet over. And if, 2009 really wasn't your best year then perhaps this was the Universe's way of challenging you so that you can grow and achieve even greater things in the New Year.

As we bid farewell to not 2009 prepare to embrace a new decade one cannot help but reflect upon how the year has been. In fact, many people have been reviewing the past decade of their lives. It's incredible how fast the years have gone by. It seems as though it were only yesterday that we we ushering in a new millennium.

But you shouldn't dwell on the things that didn't quite go according to plan other than to learn the lessons from those experiences. Reflect on your successes as well no matter how major or how minor. When you recall your successes try to remember as much detail about the event as possible. And when you do really get in touch with your feelings and go a step further and amplify those feelings.

These positive emotions will give you fuel over the coming weeks and months. Create your own MBA or Mental Bank Account as as dubbed by Robert G Allen. And each time you recall these feelings aim to make them even stronger.

It's so vital that we find ways in which to renew our spirit because if you want to make 2010 more fulfilling, more rewarding and more exciting than 2009, you're going to have to have a lot of energy and mental clarity. In other, words you can't allow past mistakes to get you down and stop you from doing the things you need to do to achieve your desired goals.

Many people take time at the beginning of the year to detox. Now whether, you believe in the benefits of detoxifying or not is another matter but many people eat in excess over the holiday period and so it certainly can't hurt to give your digestive system a mini-break. It also takes discipline to follow a detoxification program and discipline is a muscle you need to exericse on a regular basis when it comes to achieving your goals.

As well as giving your body a new diet you may also want to consider giving your mind a new diet as well. Identify new books, audio programs and videos that will nurture your mind and help you to renew your spirit.

And the theme "Rejoice, Reflect, Renew" doesn't need to be reserved for just a big occasion like the New Year. This is a theme that you can use every day.

So throughout 2010 consider asking yourself these three simple questions at the end of each day:

1. What do I have to feel joyful about today?
2. What actions did I take today that will move me closer to achieving my goals?
3. What have I done today to renew my mind, body and spirit?

The quality and depth of your answers to these questions will determine how your New Year will eventually pan out.

I hope that 2010 is all that you could wish it to be and more.

Happy New Year!