Wednesday 1 April 2009

Failure - Invaluable Feedback on Your Path to Success

Fear of failure is a key reason why many people do not achieve their full potential and the success they desire in life.

Failure is often associated with the feelings of rejection, embarrassment, disappointment and a host of other negative emotions. However, what many fail to accept is that failing at a task does not make you a failure. It's how you perceive the outcome of your actions that determines whether or not you consider yourself to be a failure.

Failure is simply feedback.

It simply lets you know that the combination of action steps that you took in your attempt to achieve a particular goals was not successful. And here's the thing - you can get so wrapped up in your feelings of being a failure that you miss seeing that while overall you may not have achieved your desired outcome that there may have been elements of what you did that were successful and that by tweaking and improving these elements you can probable achieve the result you desire.

"Remember the two benefits of failure. First, if you do fail, you learn what doesn't work; and second, the failure gives you the opportunity to try a new approach."
Roger Von Oech

Alternatively, it may not have even been the action steps that you took that were at fault but the order in which you took those action steps.

Also when many people perceive that they have failed instead of wasting no time at all in getting back in the game, they procrastinate. And procrastination plays a big role in the success equation. In Formula 1, for example, you often see what appear to be horrific crashes. The truth is that nowadays safety measures have improved to such a degree that the impact of a crash on a driver is not as bad as our imagination would let us believe.

And once the driver involved in the crash has been given the medical all-clear they can't wait to get behind the wheel again and race. They realise that at some point they may crash again and that throughout each and every race they'll probably make numerous errors. Some will be minute but others will be very costly indeed. However, each and every time they get behind the wheel they're aiming to do the very best they can do. And sometimes, this will be rewarded with a race win.

When a driver doesn't win a race he doesn't brand himself as a failure. He simply analyses the race to see what mistakes he has made and where he can improve. And he focuses on the next race.

In some industries failing is vitally important. For instance, it is important to know how and under what conditions an engine will fail. As the American Engineer Charles F. Kettering said:

"The biggest job we have is to teach a newly hired employee how to fail intelligently. We have to train him to experiment over and over and to keep on trying and failing until he learns what will work."

Life is a game and so make failing part of that game. Too many people stifle their progress in life because they're too afraid of making a mistake. Noah St John, author of "The Secret Code of Success", advocates giving yourself permission to succeed. The irony is that to succeed in life you also have to give yourself permission to fail:

"Don't be afraid to fail. Don't waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It's OK to fail. If you're not failing, you're not growing."

So get ready to fall flat on your face and get up again in your quest for success. And for a proven system to help you master achieving success click the link below for a comprehensive coaching program that will empower you to achieve great success in life.

Success Mastery

For a limited time only you'll also receive a special 5-part video series from Bob Proctor where he covers 5 of the "missing laws" of manifestation.


  1. Nickolove: Thanks for the post!

    Just wanted to mention that readers can get the first three chapters of The Secret Code of Success (free) at

    Hope this proves valuable to you too.

    Thanks again,

  2. Hi Noah,

    Thanks for stopping by & for sharing.

    Best wishes

