Sunday 29 March 2009

What the Solution to the Mystery of the Great Pyramids Reveals About Problem-Solving

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The Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as Khufu's Pyramid) is the only remaining member of the Severn Wonders of the Ancient World. For centuries man has marvelled at its scale and beauty, even now that it's a mere shadow of its original splendour. Man has also been intrigued by the question of just how such a complex structure was built.

There have been several theories. One theory is that of a long external ramp but to build the Great Pyramid of Giza this ramp would have to be about a mile long. Constructing the ramp itself would a project as exacting as building the pyramid itself.

Another theory is that a ramp that wrapped itself outside the pyramid was used. This theory is now also seen as being impractical as it would ruin the sightlines needed to make the measurements to ensure the accuracy of the dimensions of the pyramid.

A third theory involves the use of cranes. Yet the sheer number of cranes that would have to be used and how they would have needed to be positioned also rules out this theory.

Apart from now being considered impractical, these theories all have one thing in common. All these theories are based on external solutions.

Then French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin proposed a radical new theory. This was something he had been worked on and developed with his father a retired engineer. He claimed the Ancient Egyptians used an inner ramp to move the massive stone blocks into place. Using this theory the pyramids were effectively built from the inside out.

Archaeologists had been seeking an external solution when all along the answer was internal.

Using 3-D software applications Jean-Pierre Houdin has been able to 're-construct' the Great Pyramid. Not only has he been able to demonstrate that his theory works but he has been able to demonstrate that, using this theory of an inner ramp effectively spirally around the inside of the building, he could to construct the Great Pyramid within the time-frame that this monument was constructed.

While hundreds of complex calculations and algorithms have been used to prove the practicality of Jean-Pierre Houdin's inside out theory, the elegance of this theory lies in its simplicity. As Albert Einstein said:

"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler."

But there's something else. The knowledge to build the pyramids has always been here. The Egyptians simply tapped into this knowledge. And the "mystery" of the pyramids is not really a mystery at all.

We simply had to shift our awareness.

The answer was staring us in the face. We just didn't see it. And now, as well as being able to demonstrate the building of the pyramids using 3D digital software we can see the remains of the physical evidence within the pyramids themselves that support this theory. So the big question is:

"What are you not seeing in your life?"

For the same applies to us as human beings. The solutions we seek lie within us. Yet, all too often, we search outside ourselves for answers. It takes a shift in our level of awareness to be able to "see" our personal solutions within us.

This increase in awareness can be brought about in many ways. Coaches, teachers and mentors can help and so too by simply having an insatiable curiosity about life, in particular your life and who you are as a person.

Again as Albert Einstein said:

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."

We can solve the most complex challenge that life throws our way simply by having a deeper understanding of ourselves. The more we understand ourselves the more our awareness expands and the more we evolve as human beings.

When faced with a particular problem a person will often say they don't have the answer. However, the Roman Emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius had a simple way of solving his problems:

"Today I have removed myself from my problems, or rather have got rid of my problems; for they weren't outside me, but inside and especially in the judgements of my mind."

So follow your own internal ramp. Who knows what treasures you'll discover within the corridors of your mind?

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