Monday, 19 October 2009

Getting Clients: FREE Teleseminar Learn 7 Essential Strategies for Getting All the Clients You Need

One of the biggest challenges to any business owner is getting clients for without clients a business will not survive. And this is definitely a tough environment in which to attract new clients. So if you've tried lots of different approaches to get new clients and nothing seems to be working then this FREE teleseminar is perfect for you.

The teleseminar will be hosted by business coach Bill Baren. I've attended his teleseminars in the past and have gained a lot of value from them. He has a wealth of expert tips and strategies on how you can get more new clients regardless of what the economy is doing. And, during this FREE teleseminar, he will be sharing 7 of his tested and proven strategies for getting all the clients you want so you can dramatically grow your business.

Register for this "getting clients" teleseminar and discover:

~ A powerful 3-step system for building a business that always has plenty of clients.

~ Exactly how to respond to the objection "I want to work with you but I don't have the money".

~ 3 FREE ways to dramatically increase the number of targeted visitors to your website.

~ How to transform your web site to a powerful sales tool that works for you 24/7 to generate more leads and clients.

~ How to boost the income from your clients by 50% with a simple yet often neglected strategy.

~ How to effectively manage your time and your client-attracting activities so you that instead of continually feeling stressed out and overwhelmed you feel relaxed and energised.

~ The single biggest mistake people make when networking that may be stopping you from getting clients (and how to overcome this).

Bill will also take YOUR questions at the end of the call. So this is a great opportunity to get on-the-spot personalized coaching and have him tell you to attract and keep more clients in your specific business.

Just think how your life would change if you no longer had to worry about getting new clients for your business. This teleseminar will certainly give you new ideas to implement in your business and show you how you can tweak what you're currently doing to get improved results.

Register for this teleseminar even if you can't make the live event because then you'll gain access to the recording which you can listen to at your convenience.

For full details on how to register for this event click on the link below:

Getting Clients FREE Teleseminar