Monday 21 April 2008

Bill Bartmann: The Power of a Promise and Achieving Your Goals

Bill Bartmann - The Power of A Promise

Click HERE if you cannot see YouTube video.

This weekend I shared with you a story about Bill Bartmann – the man whose life and fortunes have been like a roller coaster. He recently uploaded the video displayed above where he talks very movingly and very candidly about the true meaning of a promise and how he used that promise overcome tremendous odds and achieve a particular goal that undoubtedly changed his life.

However, this video is more than just promises. It's about perseverance, commitment and making an irrevocable decision.

You may never have to face challenges as severe that Bill Bartmann has faced in his life or you may face or even currently be facing challenges that are more severe. Yet, one thing is certain. You will face challenges in life and how you face up to those challenges will determine the quality of your life and what you achieve during your life.

Some people think that setting and achieving goals is all about the acquisition of the thing you are going after. They're wrong. Goal achievement is all about the person you become as you strive to achieve your goals.

Many people set goals and then give up on them with barely a fight. They lack persistence. Bob Proctor says that in such cases the goal was too "puny".

"Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized."
Daniel H Burnham

If your goals are puny then you surely will quit when you are faced with the first obstacle.

"A goal that is casually set and lightly taken is freely abandoned at the first obstacle."
Zig Ziglar

In Bill Bartmann's case, he could either believe what the doctor had told him and remain a paraplegic for the rest of his life or he could defy what the doctor had said and create his own prognosis.

What was incredible in Bill Bartmann's case was that even although there was evidence that contradicted the doctor's original diagnosis, the doctor brutally tried to stamp out any hope of recovery in Bill's mind.

There are people in your life who will try to do the same when you tell them about your goals. They will ridicule you and belittle your dreams - if you let them.

Matt Bacak said that he decided that he would make a million dollars within six months he made one of the toughest decisions of his life. He temporarily decided to cut off all forms of communication with his mother. It was a drastic decision but he did what he had to do.

His mother was always the one who was saying that things were not possible. She was the naysayer. He knew that he had to believe in himself 100% if he was to achieve his goal within the time limit he set himself. There was no room for doubt. It was hard on both parent and child but he gave his mother one of her best Christmas presents ever when he announced that h had achieved his goal.

Do you have the strength, courage and conviction to eliminate toxic relationships from your life? Or will you let those individuals drag you down, keeping you within their comfort zone?

What kind of goals have you set yourself? Are you truly committed to them? Are you prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve them? Teamwork and support are important when achieving your goals but do have the fortitude it takes to soldier on alone if needed? Bill had to wait until late at night to do his exercises to remain undetected.

Bill made a decision that he was going to walk out of his hospital at a time when he could move a muscle in his lower body. The word decision is derived from a Latin word meaning "to cut away". When Bill made his decision there was no turning back. It was more than a decision. He made a promise that he was going to walk out of that hospital.

And, it was through exercising his will power, that he was able to achieve his goal. Through his will he was able to command his body. Now there are scientific explanations to support what Bill Bartmann accomplished but the fact remains that:

~ He used his mind to think about what he wanted rather than what he didn't want,

~ His thoughts became fervent beliefs,

~ He used his thought to direct his will power, and

~ His used his will power to achieve the thing he dreamt about.

~ He fulfilled his promise and achieved his goal.

The question is what promise will you make to yourself?

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